A 22 Step Guide to Content Distribution

by:APTEK     2020-09-16
Content is King and long live the king. Google's recent algorithmic changes may have thrown several online businesses into disarray as their previously high ranking site plummets in traffic and rankings but what has not changed is that which rules the internet (or at least the Google Search results which you can argue isn't too different) and that is content. Throughout all the postulation, theories and guesswork, Google have maintained their stance of high quality content being best. Up to date and relevant content on a good quality site, able to develop a natural link profile, is the best route to go down. Previously content could consist merely of re-spun articles submitted to directories across the internet but not only does this no practice no longer serve any benefit, it can actually cause you to be penalised by Google itself. So what sort of Content should I be writing? Much of the key to attracting an audience is in the title it is all people will likely see before making the decision of whether to click through. Your title must be engaging and motivating to any potential reader. Golden content will not be found if it lies behind an unattractive headline. We are an impatient people. We require our information to be cut into manageable chunks. Any form of list works well for this purpose or even merely adding a number into the title and breaking a long article into thinly veiled numbered sections. Guides work in a similar way also by providing people with a sequence of steps of information and if your guide helps them to solve a particular problem (especially a common one) than that is ideal. Ultimately you want your content to be shared amongst a wider audience to drive more traffic to your site. Therefore you should look to create something which is in itself inherently sharable rather than an article which has little resale value. Surveys and quizzes for example encourage users to share their results or get their friends to give their thoughts. Facts, figures, stats and interesting discoveries are also inherently sharable. Here are ten good starter points for article generation. 1.How to, Step by Step or Beginner Guides to 2.A means to avoid a problem and/or recover from a disaster 3.The benefits of using or doing something 4.Warnings or things to avoid a how not to guide. 5.Polls, Surveys or Quizzes 6.Studies, research figures and stats 7.Lists (especially Best of or Reviews) 8.The Debunking of a Myth 9.Commentary or discussion of recent news 10.Start with an analogy or a metaphor How to Distribute the Content The trick is not only in the content generation (though this is important) but also in its distribution. Yes you can argue that exceptional content could go viral merely from your own website but it is far more difficult and takes far longer than if you adopt a pertinent distribution strategy to maximise exposure and get the most from your potential audience. 1.Write your Article Remember to ensure your title is written in such way as to maximise interest, intrigue and awareness to your potential audience. 2.Post it on your Blog If your site doesn't have a blog and you are unable to add one create a personal one. 3.Post a link to your article on your Facebook Page If you don't have a Facebook page get one. 4.Post link to your article on Twitter Tweet the link 3-4 times at different times of the day with different related text to ensure your full audience sees the message. Again, if you don't have Twitter get it. 5.Re-tweet the article from any relevant Twitter profiles you have Have you got a personal Twitter profile or other company accounts? Don't be ashamed to re-tweet your article from them. 6.Share a link to the article on other Social Network Sites It is not all about Facebook and Twitter. LinkedIn, Google+ and Squidoo are also good places to post your article. 7.Blog Syndication Syndicate your blog so it can be subscribed to and shared on other websites through feeds. 8.Submit your article to various Social Bookmarking sites Sites such as Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Buzzfeed and Delicious allow users to vote on your content, boosting its sharing capabilities. Encourage your followers and friends via social media to bookmark and share your content. 9.Guest Blogging If your article doesn't suit your site at present; look in to guest blogging opportunities to improve your back link profile. Myblogguest.com is a good place to start. 10.Guest Posts Struggling for content occasionally? Encourage guest posts from other blogs which you can post on to your site. 11.PDF Convert the article into PDF format and submit to document sites such as Scribd.com, Docstoc or Isuu. 12.Figures Convert any use of figures or stats in your article into appropriate charts or diagrams and submit them to Pinterest, Flickr, Tumblr or your Facebook page if relevant. 13.Infographic If possible convert your article into an infographic, comic or animation. Re-post infographic and promote via social media, social bookmarking and Infographic sites. 14.Pictures Post any relevant pictures from your article to Pinterest, Flickr, Facebook etc. 15.Presentations Convert your article text into a presentation using PowerPoint. Upload it to slideshare. 16.Video Upload any relevant videos, e.g. conferences, speeches etc to YouTube and embed into article. 17.Vlog If appropriate and manageable, convert your Blog post into a Vlog Post and upload to video sharing sites and social media. 18.Podcast Strip the audio from your videos or even just read your article aloud to create a podcast submit to various podcast sites. 19.Press Release If possible draw up a press release relating to the article (especially if the article is covering hot topic/trending news) and submit to various press release sites. 20.Forums Post a link to the article in relevant niche forums/discussion boards of your industry. 21.Calls to Action Promote your content with strong calls to action Like our Page Follow Us etc 22.Incentives Look into the possibility of incentivising interaction by running contests, quizzes or free giveaways. This article has been brought to you by leading content marketing agency Only Marketing a division of London PR Agency Beattie Communications.
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