Clogged Septic Lines - Symptoms And Solutions

by:APTEK     2020-09-01
A clogged septic line is usually the result of a clog in one of the distribution lines running from the septic tank into the drain field. A drain field and the septic tank are included with most septic systems. All of the waste inside the home ends up in the septic tank including that from the garbage disposal, washing machine, and dishwasher. Septic tanks do not 'treat' waste. This is a commonly held misconception. Instead, they capture and store materials that serve to clog drain lines. These materials are sludge and scum. Fats, oils, grease and solids that float are known as scum, while solids that are not floating are considered sludge. The septic tank allows the water plenty of time to allow sludge and scum to settle. This is called retention time. After the sludge and scum become separate from the water, the water can flow out through the septic tee-tube beneath the surface of the water. This tube allows the water to pass but retains the scum. Sludge and scum can't settle out if there is low retention time. This will lead to a clogged septic system. In the majority of septic systems, effluent (wastewater) flows from the septic tank through the septic line and into a distribution box. From this point, it enters small distribution lines that are finely perforated to allow even distribution of the water through the surrounding earth. The place where the distribution lines are hidden under ground is known as the drain field. And astoundingly, the surrounding soil's naturally occurring bacteria work to clean the water before it re-enters the groundwater supply. Often harsh chemicals eliminate beneficial bacteria in the septic tank. This causes septic lines to clog. The beneficial bacteria multiply within the tank and devour the sludge so that it doesn't build up too quickly. Septic tanks would need to be pumped more often were it not for bacteria. Do not put these liquids down your drain: Caustic Drain Opener, Strong Disinfectants, Strong Bathroom Cleaner, Oil Based Paint, Solvents, Bleach, Strong Kitchen Cleaner, Pesticides, Anti-freeze Don't put these 10 solids down your drain: 1/ Washing Machine Lint - be sure your washing machine lint filter works properly 2/ Kitty Litter 3/ Sanitary Napkins 4/ Feminine Hygiene Products 5/ Cigarette Butts 6/ Dental Floss 7/ Coffee Grounds 8/ Q-Tips 9/ Kitchen Grease 10/ Anything in the Garbage Disposer Use CCLS septic cleaner containing billions of beneficial septic tank bacteria to remedy the situation if you have poured harsh chemicals down your drain. Additionally, CCLS will break down grease and other small solids that may clog the septic tanks. It accomplishes this via one of the enzymes it contains. If you often put these kinds of items down the drain, you should be able to resolve the issue by pumping the septic tank; however, you don't want to wait. The longer you wait, the more expensive this process will become.
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