Six Most Popular WP Plugins for WordPress Web Developers

by:APTEK     2020-07-07
Popularly known for its numerous plug-ins and user-friendly publishing platform, WordPress is an open source CMS framework. Based on PHP and MYSQL, this application is integrated with several layouts and add-ons. Due to the support and availability of vast range of plug-ins, WordPress is considered as the best tool for web development. Plug-ins are the tools to extend the functionality of WordPress and helps for easy and quick web app development. Web developers make the best use of these plugins to build cutting-edge web apps. In this article, we have featured some of the fresh WordPress plugins that can be useful to wordpress web developers for creating ingenious web applications. Unique Headers This plugin best utilizes the excellent Taxonomy Metadata plugin for handling header images for categories. It adds the ability to use unique custom headers on individual pages, posts or categories. jQuery Horizontal Slider This horizontal slider is an extremely easy way to perform your own header, banner or photo gallery for your wordpress site. With jQuery effects, this plugin makes your web dynamic and striking. Easy PayPal Easy PayPal is the simplest possible way to sell your goods online. It helps to quickly set up an online store to sell any downloadable item, where your buyers can pay online and can get an automatic download link. This whole flow is fully automated and designed to run unattended using PayPal IPN. This plug-in eliminates the need for complex e-commerce setup. WP Visual Pagination WP Visual Pagination allows to create or customize simple CSS pagination themes or complex image based pagination themes. It is an advanced pagination theme framework built on top of the popular WP PageNavi plugin pre-loaded professionally designed pagination themes. HTML5 jQuery Audio Player This bubbling music player lets you add a single audio track or a full playlist to your WordPress site using short code. The good thing is that you can customize the colors of the player, and also display ratings, album cover art and buy/ download link. The major difference of this audio player is that it works on all major browsers, both PC and Mac along with mobile devices. Nebula Facebook Comments Nebula Facebook comments box plug-in replaces the default comments functionality by Facebook's Comments social plugin. Comments Box is a social plugin that helps users commenting on your site. It includes moderation tools and distribution too. Well, apart from these plugins, wordpress theme designers/developers can look for many others on WordPress blog. Source:
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