Benefits Of Using Dreambox 800 HD

by:APTEK     2020-09-07
Dream multimedia is the famous manufacturers of DTH set-top box known as the dreambox. The dreambox is available in different models and there are 3 different types terrestrial, cable and satellite. The basic function of dreambox is to convert digital signal into television content. The dreambox 800 HD is the first model with HD set-top box introduced by dream multimedia. During the first month of sales, dreambox 800 received bad reviews form users because it gets overheated, after that company fixed that problem and now it is the top product in the market. Dreambox 800 HD provide many benefits. This is the biggest advantage provided by them is that user get the High definition result by HD function of this set-top box. The first thing that user see in set-top box is its quality of pictures and the quality of program provided by dreambox 800 HD is best. It helps for both showing and recording. By the use of USB device user can play HD videos. The other use is Internet connection. There are some standard connectivity option available in the dreambox 800 like you can connect your coaxial cable via LNB input, Ethernet is also there to connect the Internet, modem port is also there on dreambox to connect it to ISP via a phone line. By this way you can connect to the Internet. Users also want to see their already downloaded HD videos then in dreambox 800 HD there is the option of eSATA connector in dreambox 800 so you can attach any eSATA drive. Its a easy way to use eSATA drive compare to fit 2.5in drive and it is cheaper too. There are to USB port on dreambox 800, you can use any of your USB devices and play HD video in it. PVR stands for Personal Video Recoding, this function helps in recording your favorite television serials or any other stuff. If you are busy at this moment and some interesting program is running then you can record your TV program on eSATA or in USB. When you want to see that program than you can easily see it. The dreambox 800 has the 300 MHz of CPU which is high compare to previous model of dreambox and RAM has the 256 MB of storage which also high in comparison of other previous model. Flash memory is of 64 MB which is also high in all. Smart card reader is the facility provided by dreambox 80 HD threw which you can insert dreamcrypt smart card into one of the two smart card reader slots. Dreamcrypt is a register trademark of dream multimedia.
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