How to Fix TV Antenna Coax And Other Common TV

by:APTEK     2020-08-06
Television antennas are meant to provide not only clear pictures but also give access to different channels and stations. We have all become increasingly hungry for variety in our telly viewing. We all have different tastes and preferences, and intra families we are all very different. Living with a bad antenna can be very frustrating; but the good news is most antenna problems can be fixed. All you need to do is follow simple steps and look out for simple connections and devices. After you have checked your wires, tried a new splitter and changed the antenna location and orientation, you might want to try the antenna coax. To complete TV antenna repairs on your coax the procedures are often straightforward and do not require any special electrical skill. First of all loosen the screw under the coax connector. Remove the collar and the plastic collar cover plate from inside the connector's shell. These parts should be kept aside. Then cut off the coax connector from the end of the antenna's cable and insert it a few inches toward the other end of the cable. You should also do the same for the collar. You can now squeeze the collar with needle-nosed pliers. Make a 2-inch slit from the cut end, peel the outer insulation from the cable and cut if off from the cable. After doing this, you can now pull the copper wire between your fingers to form a crumple around the plastic casing. Peel back the sheath from the copper wire and then cut the plastic sheath off the cable with scissors. Thread the plastic collar casing plates through the copper wire and against the collar. Place the connector shell over the plastics collar cover plate and push until it covers the collar. After this you may now push the base against the connector and screw the base into the connector shell. Just follow these steps in order and your TV antenna coax problem will likely be solved. TV reception problems can be very annoying, especially when your favourite programme is hampered by blurry images, wavy lines and awful sounds. Checking your connections should be the first remedy. Sometimes they might not be properly connected or dust and dirt might be hindering the contact points. Regular cleaning of connections is advised; make sure you turn off and unplug. The problem can also be the positioning of your antenna. Proper positioning in terms of direction and orientation can be the solution. In buying an antenna one should check the specifications of the antenna to ensure they match the distance of the TV from major transmitters. This is one of the most important factors to consider when buying a TV antenna. Always look out for dent or damages to the TV aerial body. This could also constitute a reason why signals are poor. For people using indoor antennas, it is not surprising why signals are weak. Where possible it is important to switch to outdoor TV antennas in order to get your desired results, and enjoy clear signals and un-interrupted TV enjoyment.
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